Startup Stress

Ask a group of entrepreneurs what is really weighing on their minds when it comes to growing a business and you might be surprised by what you find if you go in assuming it’s more customers or better revenue numbers. In fact, you would be caught off guard to know that those concerns probably won’t even make the top 10. So what is the most pressing besides finding more business?

One Major Cause Of An Entrepreneur’s Stress Is Rising Healthcare Costs 

Obamacare was designed to drive down the cost of healthcare for everyone. What most have found in the last couple of years, especially entrepreneurs growing their businesses, is that quite the opposite has happened. Not only has the cost of providing employee healthcare for their employees become very difficult to afford, but the out-of-pocket costs for their employees is causing undue dissatisfaction in the workplace. It’s hard to live with low cost small group health plans when their monthly premiums don’t come with any meritable coverage. 

The other problem with rising healthcare costs comes with another cause of a serious entrepreneurs’ stress; the increased cost of providing healthcare coverage to their employees apparently has no ceiling. Just when you think that your small group health plan is done raising rates and cutting coverage you get a new notice in your inbox. No entrepreneur wants to tell their employees that their healthcare premiums are going up...again. 

A PEO Is The Answer To An Entrepreneur’s Stress Over Healthcare Coverage 

How can an entrepreneur get the most common form of stress in growing a business under control so that finding more customers is even possible? A PEO is designed with the entrepreneur in mind. They help you provide excellent benefits coverage at a price an entrepreneur can afford. You’ll get much better benefits than you could ever afford on your own with better coverage than a small group health plan could ever offer. Better benefits at a great price. What would your employees say to that?

If entrepreneur’s stress is something you are looking to reduce in 2019, a PEO is waiting to help. Contact a PEO broker like PEO Spectrum today and put the Tylenol away. 

If you’d like to find out more about how PEOs can help you provide great benefits and payroll management at less than you are paying now, contact us today for a free consultation.

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